

During April/May, 2024

Mother’s Day is a special occasion that calls for heartwarming melodies and nostalgic tunes.

So, for Mother’s Day season (mid-April until Mother’s Day 2024), we’re available to sing for your residents in celebration of Mothers everywhere.

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These are 45-minute, very reasonably-priced performances you won’t want to pass up. And we’ve made it easy to reserve your performance. Just select the day and time below that’s best for you. That’s it!

Mother's DayWe’ll send you everything you need (agreement, invoice, etc.) to make it all happen as easy as possible.

You can expect a repertoire of classic barbershop songs, spanning from nostalgic

favorites to modern arrangements, four-part harmonies that will captivate your residents, a performance style that is an enjoyable experience for all, and our commitment to creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere that will leave your residents feeling uplifted and energized.

We are confident that our performance will be a memorable highlight of your Mother’s Day season celebration, bringing a touch of musical magic to the lives of your residents.

Reserving a performance is easy…

  1. Select an Available date (Apr/May)
  2. Select a Time Slot
  3. Click “Continue”
  4. Enter your Information
  5. Click the “Reserve Performance”

Performances are $250 for 45 minutes.

But if you select a Thursday performance, the cost is only $225.

Don’t see a date/time that works for you? Contact us – email or phone # below – and we’ll arrange a performance that meets your needs!
(717) 723-9786